Thursday, 20 October 2011

Background Research - Arctic Monkeys

Arctic Monkeys are an English indie rock band. I wanted to look at some posters and digipack covers by a band of this genre to get some inspiration on fonts, layout and graphical features.

Here are four examples of the posters from the Arctic Monkeys.I like the one on the top-right. It is very 'indie' and individual. However, the other three are very 'comic' like. The fonts are similar to each other which carries continuity. However, the bottom left poster had bold, plain font. This is what most appeals to me for my poster, I do not plan on using any funky font as it would not sell my track correctly.

 Above are some album covers for the Arctic Monkeys. The top two relate to my ideas with the black and white effect. I really want to include this in either my poster (possibly both) as I think it really relates to the mood given from the song. There are no colourful moods represented in the song, it is very emotional-but depressing which I think is what black and white is good at connoting if used correctly.

The fonts here are similar to those on the posters which I should keep in mind as I may need to use the same fonts for continuity purposes!

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